
Worship  Daily Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer, 1928 Book of Common Prayer   1940 Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America

BBC Choral Evensong Radio broadcasts of Evensong service from churches around the United Kingdom



Morning & Evening Prayer Where you may buy a soft cover version of the 1928 BCP, suitable for jail ministry

Deus Publications  Where you may buy a 1928 Book of Common Prayer

The Book of Common Prayer Versions formatted for Kindle and for PDA’s, in eReader, ePub; zipped, and PDF



Village of Hope  Bringing healing to orphans attacked by the LRA in Uganda

Jubilee Food Pantry  A food pantry serving Hubbard, Oregon and surrounding areas

Kids Around The World  Mobile food-packing program meeting the needs of starving children





The Articles of Religion As they appear in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer

Prayer Book Society USA Promoting Anglican belief and worship in the Common Prayer tradition

Christian Classics Ethereal Library  Virtual library of classic Christian literature and sound recordings

Lindisfarne Gospels British Library digital version of The Lindisfarne Gospels (slow loading but worth it)



Father, give me a word Reflections on texts of scripture from Fr. Dan Squires, Assisting Priest, St. Paul's Church, Melbourne, Florida (APA)

The Continuum Blog posts and discussion from Continuing Anglican clergy