The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore.
Called to Community
Testimonials (local link)
Photo Gallery (local link)
Mission Church (local link)
Anglican Province of America (local link)
We are all in this together. From the family that started St. Michael’s in their living room to the last person to walk in off the street. We were called here. We are becoming a family of believers.
We come with different church backgrounds, different life experiences, different views, hopes and worries. Drawn by the liturgy, perhaps, or a love of hymns, the rhythm of the church year or Anglican traditions, we find that St. Michael’s is all of that, and more.
Just as we transform an empty grange hall into a church, the Holy Spirit is transforming us. It isn’t pews and candles and icons that make it holy, but the intentional gathering of people who desire to live their faith.
We show up.
In fact, St. Michael’s is not a neighborhood church; we come from as far away as Forest Grove, Gresham, Estacada, and Mt. Angel. Because we won’t run into each other around town during the week, we linger each Sunday to share a meal and to get to know each other. As a result we are better able to comfort and help each other, to encourage each other and urge each other on to good works.
Mission Church
It has been our privilege to help train a priest, Fr. Vince Varnas. Soon he will be establishing a new church, Holy Angels Anglican Church. We don’t know where yet, but our goal is to offer another church home where people may grow in the knowledge and love of God.
Anglican Province of America
St. Michael’s is a parish in the Diocese of the West of the Anglican Province of America. Begun in the late sixties, and initially formed as the American Episcopal Church, the founders’ goal was to maintain and preserve historic Anglican traditions for future generations. Continuing those traditions, they have stayed with the old prayer book, said no to ordaining women to the priesthood and yes to the biblical understanding of marriage.
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